What causes hair fall in women?

Women’s hair is extremely pivotal in making up their personality. Female hair loss is a traumatic experience that does not only affect the look of women but also affects the self-esteem and self-confidence.

Hair experts at Hair transplant Dubai Clinic are always keen to provide you the solution for each and every condition of hair loss.

Understanding Female hair loss

Female hair loss pattern differs from the male. The hair loss can be triggered by either genetics or non-genetics reasons.

Hair growth cycle

Hair grows in cycles. After every hair cycle, the new strands replace the old ones. During normal hair cycle, 50 to 100 strands fall a day and are replaced by new ones.

Factors causing female hair loss

There are many things that play a pivotal role in causing hair in women. These include hormonal imbalance, age, genetics and other scalp diseases. Moreover, hair pulling and damage to the hair follicles also causes hair loss.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes diffuse pattern hair loss in both men and women. Most women don’t get completely bald but they get hair thinning from all over the scalp. Alopecia Areata is curable in its earlier stages.

Certain other factors like hair including stress and over styling can lead women to excessive hair loss.

Treatment options

Women suffering from either Androgenic Alopecia or Alopecia Areata are prescribed following treatments for their hair loss.

PRP for hair loss

Plasma injections that contain growth factors are essential for enhancing growth elements in the scalp, resulting in a thick and denser hair at your scalp. The PRP serum is obtained from the sample of blood and is directly injected into the scalp through special needles.


  • This a completely natural treatment that has no side effects.
  • The PRP is obtained from your own blood and does not has any chemical substance.
  • A non-invasive treatment that does not create any discomfort.
  • Produces long-lasting and natural outcomes
  • No special preparation is required for this procedure
  • Less downtime and recovery period


Mesotherapy is a non-surgical treatment in which a blend of essential proteins is injected into the scalp to enhance hair growth and sometimes regrow lost hair.


  • Mesotherapy for hair loss in Dubai is a quick and lunchtime procedure that takes only 30-40 minutes to complete
  • No scaring and side effects
  • No downtime
  • Long lasting results
  • Lesser recovery period
  • No special care is required

Female Hair transplant

In the case of Androgenic Alopecia or Female Pattern Baldness, a hair transplant is the best solution. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before getting ready to undergo any hair loss treatment. Hair experts at hair Transplant Dubai clinic are keen to help you select the best hair loss remedy for you.

Hair loss treatment in Dubai

People who are suffering from hair loss can now easily have a consultation session with top surgeons in the region. All you need to do is to book a consultation or just walk into the hair transplant Dubai and Abu Dhabi center.


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